Why do Designers need Insurance?
Working in the exciting and creative design industry means there is always new clients and projects to work on. The industry has so many different fields and branches of design work, that no two days are ever the same.
But when you’re working with so many clients, suppliers and even members of the public, there is always the risk that things may go quite to plan. Protecting your design business with Public Liability insurance* against claims for accidental injury to a third-party or damage to their property (when not covered by the ACC) is something you need to consider even if your business is based from home.
Part of the gig as working as a designer means you also share your professional advice and expertise when it comes to all things design. Whether it’s designing furniture or graphics, there is always an element of risk that your client may be unhappy with your work, going back or their contract with you and making a claim. That’s why it is important to consider Professional Indemnity insurance*.
Chances are you may work with expensive equipment and other business assets that help to bring your designs to life. Business Insurance* offers a variety of different coverages to safeguard the nuts and bolts that help keep your business running.

Insurance for Designers
These are some of the types of insurance coverages you may need to consider when looking at protecting your design business.
Public Liability*
Public Liability insurance is designed to provide protection for you and your business in the event a customer, supplier or a member of the public are injured (and not covered by the Accident Compensation Commission (ACC) ) or sustain property damage as a result of your negligent business activities.
What does Public Liability Insurance typically cover?
- Compensation for accidental damage to third party property
- Compensation for personal injury or death to third parties where the ACC does not provide cover
- Legal and defence costs
What is typically NOT covered by Public Liability insurance?
- Injury to your employees
- Damage to your own property
- Compensation for personal injury whereby cover is provided by the ACC
- Known claims and circumstances
Why do designers need to consider Public Liability insurance?
Interacting with clients, suppliers and members of the public means there is always a chance for unintentional accidents and incidents to occur, potentially resulting in a costly claim. Something as simple as a client visiting your business premises and slipping down some stairs in the rain and injuring themselves (when not covered by the ACC) could end up costing you more than an arm and a leg without Public Liability insurance in place.
Even if you are out working at a client’s site and cause damage to their property through your business activities, you can have some peace of mind knowing that your Public Liability insurance policy is there to help protect your back pocket when you need to pay for damages.
Professional Indemnity Insurance*
Your clients are paying for your advice and guidance when it comes to the design aspects of their project or product. This is where Professional Indemnity insurance becomes an important form of cover when things don’t exactly pan out as they should.
Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance is an important form of protection for businesses that provide:
- specialist services or professional advice. It is designed to respond to claims against your business for
- losses as a result of actual or alleged negligent acts or omissions in the provision of your professional
- service or advice. PI Insurance will also assist with the legal costs associated with responding to or
- managing claims which are covered by the policy.
What does Professional Indemnity insurance typically cover you for?
- Damages and claimant costs awarded against you
- Civil liabilities which may arise from but are not limited to:
- Providing misleading or negligent advice
- Breach of duty (confidentiality and other privacy issues)
- Defamation, libel or slander
- The loss or damage to documents
- Infringement to intellectual property (including copyright infringement)
- Related defence and legal costs of a claim
- The costs involved with investigating a claim including those by a professional body
- The cost of responding to a disciplinary inquiry
- Court attendance costs
- Public relations costs
- Bodily injury or illness caused from the professional services covered under the policy
What does Professional Indemnity insurance typically NOT provide cover for?
- Intentional damage
- Any claims or circumstances that are known prior to the period of insurance
- Acts of fraud and dishonesty
- Accidental injury and property damage
Business Insurance
Business Insurance is an insurance package designed to provide cover for your business contents, stock, tools and commercial premises when an insured event occurs (such as fire, storm, theft or even accidental damage). A Business Insurance policy can also cover your portable equipment, and loss of revenue due to business interruption in specified circumstances.
This is important when looking at protecting things like your design studio and equipment. If you’re out and about working on site and with client’s and taking your design equipment with you, then you may want to consider Portable Equipment cover.
Portable Equipment cover provides you with coverage for loss and damage to your tools and equipment due to theft, fire and other perils listed in the wording, anywhere in New Zealand.
Cyber Liability insurance*
Design work involves not only your original design plans and processes but the storage of sensitive client information too. In the event that a cyber breach or cyber crime were to occur, Cyber Liability insurance is there to provide some much needed protection.
Covers you for losses from claims arising from data breaches, business interruption and remediation costs following an actual or threatened data breach.
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small business covered
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